Friday, November 11, 2011

First and foremost....

WOW ... I have a BLOG :-)

I want to start off by saying, blogs are the best and I am excited to finally have one.  I cant promise that this will be an every day sort of thing, but I will do my best to keep it updated with new stories on what you ask ... me, my family, and life - as I know it.

I am the father of two boys, Landen James (6 yrs old - 7 in August) and Braden Howard (1 yr old - 2 in June).
I recently married my beautiful wife Laura this past Oct 1st (2011) and we currently live in South Orange County, RSM to be specific.  We are both restaurant managers and we hate our jobs.  Haha.  But hey, its better than being unemployed and or homeless right?  Family is first and most important to me in life. I live by the golden rule (thank you Dad) - treat others like you want to be treated.  I know it was a short 1st post but ... the wife is at work and I need to pretend like I did something productive around the house while she was gone. haha, jk I already did the dishes (yes again sweetheart).